Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Animated Movie

Hi Guys, I am doing an animated 2d short-film for my independent project. I am basically starting from scratch, so it has been difficult. This clip is about the first 4 seconds of the movie and it is 47 frames. I am using Corel Painter for animation and assets. I will eventually be using After Effects for some editing and sound. The movie has a lot to do with my subconscious and about life. There will be a deer involved and it is a mix of imagination and storytelling. Hope you enjoy the very short clip and stay tuned to find out where the eyelashes go :)


jessica seawell said...

BAD-A!!!! Ashby that is amazing...i watched it like 15 times! I can't wait to see more...

jessica seawell said...

this is joey- really like where this is going. Definitely intrigued!! can't wait to see more

Megan said...

I am excited about this!

(And this is Megan. The one that doesn't use phones. I'm sure you were hoping I forgot about your blog ;)).

Anonymous said...

Hello, Ashby.

Already we see on your Corel Painter Officcial Magazine.
Your blog is nice, but you have to put a sitemap and keywords for search engines to Appear in art.
I invite you to visit my site.
You can translate it to English. kreloj.blogspot